Zu Omen Defs and Ice Amps?

Anyone have the opportunity to audition a pair of Zu Omen Definitions and a Class D or Ice Amp? The Zu's obviously don't need a lot of power so I'm thinking one of these newer digital amps might be a good fit. If so, please share the make/model of amp and your impressions. So far, I'm considering the King Rex, Trends, Dayton, and Topping amps but I'm sure I've left a few out that might be contenders. Thanks in advance.
Charles, if you read the info on page seven on that link that was in my last message, you will see that my whole intention was exactly what you describe to me. Good Day!

You sold your Lamm amps for a D amp that is a no show on the map? LOL

Wait till you wake up and find out what you did, you are going to be very angry with yourself.
Glory, If you heard these amps since i have done the mods, you wouldn't have posted your last message. Besides, it is all about taste and priorities and i have found these amps after the mods to be a step above my Lamm M1.2 ref. Good Day!
When I first got my (standard) Omens, I used them with one of the new Bel Canto C5i integrated amps. I believe this is an ICE amp rated at 120wpc at 4 ohms. They sounded ok, but I always felt the bass sounded thin with that amp. Some weeks later, I completed a Bottlehead S.E.X. amp, which is a 2.5wpc SET amp. Lo and behold the Omens had a whole different sound with the little Bottlehead amp. Low frequencies especially sounded alot fuller and richer.

I spoke with the folks at Bottlehead and the consensus was the lower damping factor of the tube amp was producing more apparent bass. For whatever reason, the little SET amp just sounds better on the Omens than the ICE amp.
Yes, another of many examples that illustrate the mandatory proper matching of amplifier and speaker. A well made SET amp can sound disarmingly natural and "real" sounding with the correct speaker. With an inappropriate speaker these amps will predictably disappoint.