Suggested Stands for B&W 805 Diamonds

I need stands for my B&W 805 diamonds but I'd rather not drop $700 on the B&W stands since I only need them for a while as my furniture situation will change in a few months.The 805Ds are W9.4in X D13.8 so I'm having trouble finding stands that have a large enough top base.

Any suggestions?

You buy $5,000. speakers and do not want to spend $700 on stands that match them perfectly?
I had B&W 805S and the stock stands, I filled them with stove dried sand and liked them a lot.
I traded them back in for my current magnepan 3.6s.
Either the B&W stands or ones like Skylan or Sound Anchor. Do not put them on ordinary furniture.
A pair of used 805 stands just sold here on the goN' for $375. They fit the 805D too. If the op did not buy them, he missed out.