dcs Elgar plus vs Wadia 27ix vs Aero Capitole

Hi guys

I'd like to play DAC directly into my CAT JL2. I know that people had very good results with Wadia 27ix and dCS Elgar. Did anyone compared Wadia 27ix to dCS Elga plus or Aero Capitole?
I've played in the past with a ensemble dac/player combination. I thought there will be not that many improvement by adding a pre-amplifier, i was wrong.

After adding a CAT SL1 ultimate mkII dynamics and 'air' where improved much, also the bottom end was much more dynamic.

I had different expirience with dCS Elgar plus. It surpased my system with ARC REF3 to my big surprise. That is why I was wondering about other DACs with variable output.
I compared directly connected dCS Elgar plus to Capitole SE into CAT JL2. dCS Elgar plus was much better. Anyone was able to compare dcs Elgar plus to Wadia 27ix?
I once directly connected my AA Capitole Mk II directly into an Ayre V-5xe power amp than added Ayre K-5xe and Hovland HP-100. The use of either pre proved to be much better than the direct connection. this means: the onboard pre in the AA is nice but not mind blowing. Can´t report on dcs or Wadia. Try to get CAT SL-1 Ultimate MK II and together with the AA and your JL-2´s you´re done.