Denon Service... Yeah or Nay?

I am getting ready to trade my Marantz DV9500 up to a Denon DVD 5910. I have received excellent service from Marantz thru the years and am only trading because the performance of the Denon is so much better. But I have heard from a few that Denon service is, well not good. I have tried contacting them all week via phone and e-mail and no response. Any Denon owners out there wish to share your experiences? It would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for the input. It seems as though they do not offer any real customer assistance. After owning McIntosh and Marantz I am used to being able to get answer. I only can remember one other manufacturer that I had trouble with and that was Naim. They answered the phone but the arrogance and rude way they handeled my call was enough to say no more Naim. I am hopeing to avoid that with Denon. And if they have treated a prospective customer this way maybe I should rethink this purchase. I just don't know what other Uni-Player in this price range to consider. I wish Marantz would offer a better video display. I compared the DV5910 to the McIntosh MVP861 but the video falls short there as well. Although the audio is superior to Denon. The Escoteric is more than I want to spend and haven't compared the video. Thanks again for all the input.
What ever you do, do not use Inner Sound out of Portland, Or. Take my word for it. Use the guys in Austin Tx.
(512) 458-8292
They fixed my problem quick, and cheap. The other guys had mine a long time and when i got it back, it was not fixed. but I had to pay. Grrr! It went back to them twice at 45 bucks a pop for shipping. I even told them what the problem was. The tech's in Texas said what the problem was after I told them the symptoms. They had it fixed & back to me in 1 week, and paid the return shipping. Not so the other place. Other than that, the player has had no other problems. Good Luck!
Had a 1600 dvd player. Went on the fritz a couple of months after the warranty expired. Fortunately I had bought the extended warranty! This is a scheme where the out-of-warranty work is sold and paid for by some insurance company, but the work is still done by Denon. Was told it would take 2 weeks and got the player back after 8. It lasted another 3 months. I tossed it in the garbage. Denon's first and last chance with me.
I bought an entry level Denon DVD 900(?) and a 5900.

The entry-level model played 1 single DVD then refused to recognize any further DVDs although it played CDs without problem. I returned it to the store after about a month. They were also the Denon service center in my area. Six months later after I started threatening them (Denon did not respond at all), they replaced the player without subsequent issues.

I do not use either player much since I am not at home much. After making some system changes I ran the 5900 with CDs for 24 hours on repeat - more CD than it had played up to that stage of it's live. When I sat down afterward to listen to my new setup... no CD. The Denon would play DVDs perfectly but could not recognize a single CD I tried. Switched it off for a day and now it plays maybe 1 in 10 CDs - simply acts as if there is not a CD in the drawer the rest of the time (after trying to read it first).

Did a little research and found that the Stereophile reviewer had exactly the same error with the 5900 review sample.

Denon's response? Nothing... to this day. The 5900 is a great machine when it works but it is the last Denon I will ever buy.

Denon service (and QA)? I think you have a better chance of finding the Loch ness monster...

I will gladly supply the SN# if anyone has any doubt, also my Pioneer 414(?) circa 1999 is still playing without a glitch and these days my children are using it on a daily basis.