SF Concertino vs Dynaudio Focus 140 vs VA Haydn

SF Concertino vs Dynaudio Focus 140 vs VA Haydn Grand

Which is easier to drive?
Which has better bass?
SF Concertino and Hayden Grand might be similar, according to various threads on this forum. And from what I have read, Haydn Grand is harder to driver than SF.

Is Dynaudio Focus 140 very boring and hard to drive?
Does Focus 140 prefer tube amp?
i just auditioned the focus and was very impressed--wide soundstage, great balance and tight, deep bass--no sub needed. its sensitivity is listed at 86db, so it will need some power (i heard with a monstrous 400w/ch ss audio research amp). not boring at all; great speaker. i much preferred it to the concertino, which has a very nice high end but somewhat slow and less articualted bass--it just didn't sound as seamless as the focus to me. others might disagree. haven't heard the va
some on this forum have reported that Hayden Grand is very hard to drive. But it is of 89 dB sensitivity according to official site, compared to SF's 88 dB and Dynaudio's 86 dB.
I have heard all of them but at different times and with different systems. They all work with tubes but need lots of power. Dynaudio's are not boring. They sound best with solid state I think. Open sound with good bass. The Sonus Fabers sound great with tubes. They are a little leaner and drier but still have a warmth to them. The VA sounds a little more balanced to me than either of those other two. It is a tough choice really. All are good. If I had a 100 watt solid state amp I would probably choose the Dynaudios or the VA's. If I had a 50 watt or more tube amp I would go for the Sonus Fabers.
Mezzanine, is your 100Watt really enough for Dynaudio focus 140? It is rated at 4ohm and 86 dB sensitivity.