Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3?

Comparisons with the 1.5s and the others that came before? Getting the itch; again......
So someone with Zu speakers did`nt like a SET amp,big deal, choose what you like that`s all

Hey Dad read the whole thread. Then report back with a more balanced responce on what I was trying to convey.

I haven't heard any one TT drive type make all others moot, in the way that SET + Zu has been transformative for me. And I know of no one who has directly compared everything credible. I have, btw, heard the Palmer but not comparatively. It's good. Whether, for instance, it's better than the Acoustic Solid Wood Reference which is also excellent, I can't say comparatively.

How people who have heard the Dobbins Beat would in direct comparison judge alternatives as different as the DD Brinkmann Oasis, the BD 47 Labs Koma and the EAR Disk Master with its no-contact drive system, would be interesting and, practically, anybody's guess. The difficulty of access for straight-up comparison points out the futility of seeking "best." In today's boutique world of TTs, you're buying flavors, not perfection. Have fun choosing!

I am in the process of switching from top tier SS (Mac 601 monoblocks) to Sophia Electric 845 SET monos. Note- these aren't the Macs of old and are far from slow, sluggish, and dark.

I receive the new amps this week, so hope to have some impressions for you guys in a week.

I have owned or tried in my system:

BAT 300xSE
McIntosh MA6600
Shindo Haut Brion
Triode Labs 845 integrated
AudioValve Assistant
Vac Phi 200
Shindo Montille
McIntosh MC601s
MasterSound Due Venti
Onkyo 9555 integrated
Audion Black Shadows (though had a prob with the amp grounding---so were uncharacteristically noisy)

I decided to punt the MC601s as they don't do nuance well. I believe i can give up some slam (and there is no better amp I've tried for that, period) for some nuance and more texture. That said, the Macs are phenomenal amps and do the 3d thing that usually is reserved for tubes only.

The Shindo Haut Brion had my favorite mids---nothing plays strings better, period, that I've owned or demo'd. However it was dynamically lacking- and Shindo monos are pricy compared to many alternatives. I will probably pick up a used Cortese some day for fun.

>>Audion Black Shadows (though had a prob with the amp grounding---so were uncharacteristically noisy)<<

To update this: what we thought was a serious ground loop we didnt have the time or means to resolve was instead a failing bridge rectifier on one of the mono amp's filament circuit. Since repaired and quiet was restored. It was more than uncharcteristically noisy -- the hum was overwhelmingly intrusive. We'll be doing that demo again, this time against the like-minded Sophia.

213 writes,

The less said about Gary's choices of expression in the prior inconsequential imbroglio the better

in·con·se·quen·tial  (n-kns-kwnshl, nkn-)
1. Lacking importance.
2. Not following from premises or evidence; illogical.
A triviality.
in·conse·quenti·ali·ty (-kwnsh-l-t), in·conse·quential·ness (-shl-ns) n.
in·conse·quential·ly adv.

n. pl. im·bro·glios
a. A difficult or intricate situation; an entanglement.
b. A confused or complicated disagreement.
2. A confused heap; a tangle.

Wow I guess if one has a different slant than what you preach you write such things. To bad you feel that way one one doesn't see it your way.