Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3?

Comparisons with the 1.5s and the others that came before? Getting the itch; again......
A little update to my order. Sean of Zu informs me he has an improved finish called Soft Touch, which purports to be, well, softer to the touch! That is, over their more standard Nextel. I'm likely to go for this in Cosmic Carbon.
Any further thoughts re ongoing experiences with the Def4s by owners who've had them for a while? Early adopters must find they're close to fully burnt in now.
Are they improving further as they open up?
>>Are they improving further as they open up?<<

Yes. But Def4 breaks in much more rapidly than Def2 did, with then a long tail of very gradual improvement. The interval from set-up to quality sound is quite brief.

Thanks Phil. Actually, I've always found Zu products haven't required serious break-in, obviously several hours must be performed at the factory before they're delivered. This applies to the Zu Event phono cable I've bought recently: it sounded great out of the box, and has only improved a little in the intervening month of continual use.
When I bought my current Def2s in winter 2007, it was pretty cold, and it took a good month for the soundstage to widen as the drivers physically warmed to room temperature. Since I'm going to take ownership of the Def4s in the summer, temperature should be less of an issue.
Great to hear your Def4s sound so good so quickly, and continue to impress.
So has anyone actually heard the mk iii's? Some of us can't afford the mk IV's and we would love to hear any and all impressions or thoughts on this topic!

And btw, I noticed a very dramatic break in for the Omen Defs that I had previously. It took a good 300-400 hours for break in and then I noticed a gradual improvement for a good 6 months. This may be due to the fact that I listen at low volumes but I've heard the same from many other Zu owners.