Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3?

Comparisons with the 1.5s and the others that came before? Getting the itch; again......
Welp... I returned from out of town this evening and my nanotech drivers were waiting for me. Like a good addict, I went to work swapping the original def 2 drivers out with these things and am pleased to report the job was completed with no major casualties...

First impressions of the new drivers is that they resolve a lot more information. There is so much more detail to music without coming off analytical, but rather more delicate. Tonality seems great and strings are just great and, while stage is a bit constricted/compressed I think with burn in these drivers will be exceptional in my system.

Can't wait to hear things mature/develop.
The installation is pretty simple, but it is real work. You take out the 8 screws, remove the silver trim and carefully pull the driver out. Theres an adhesive tape near the supertweeter so go slow until it gives way. I ripped too hard in one place and tore my finish right off--fortunately the blemish is covered by the speaker/trim otherwise I'd be pretty upset with myself.

After that you put on new tape where the old was, re-attach the crimped on taps onto the drivers in the same positions as where they were on the oldies and button her back up.

You'll hear the promise of the new drivers immediately, but they won't be as engaging and will sound kinda constrained. At least that is the case in my system. I can hear things shaking lose after 12 hours of playing Isotek burn in tones though.
Gopher: I have noticed continual burn In and improvement over the last month. Sean says they all receive 600 hours of burn in at the factory, but they do continue to get better and better over time. Enjoy!
Thanks, Morgan.

They were sounding pretty good this morning after another 8 hours of Isotek tones looped overnight as I slept.

I think they've improved enough at this point that I can return my old drivers to Zu without worry to retrieve my deposit on them.