Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3?

Comparisons with the 1.5s and the others that came before? Getting the itch; again......
Spirito, since my Def 4s are under construction and Sean says their top option for cap upgrade to the tweeter is the Duelund VSF Black Cu, isn't that something I should have him install? Why o why doesn't he install that cap fro the get-go? $$? Why are you seeking a cap upgrade, and how did you figure out it was a cap you needed?
The VSF Black is the model just below the CAST and is thought to be one of the finest capacitors available. I think you`ll be very pleased with your results.The quality of cap matters a lot in terms of maximizing sound. If it did`nt, Zu would`nt bother with offering higher level upgrades.
Warrenh, first off, you're going to be SO stoked with your 4s (and I suspect your wife may be just a little pleased too)! Despite my original reservations that the tweeter wasn't a night and day upgrade in the 4s over the 2s, I've done a 180 on this - in fact the higher frequencies are to die for. But, it took a LOT of adjusting to get the 4s to sound of their best, incl. from the tweeter. Hence, I wasn't at all feeling I was missing anything. But Charles has put the cat amongst the pigeons in expressly stating that a cap upgrade will extend the sq of the higher frequencies further. At the likely price of c.$1000, it seems like a no brainer to squeeze out maybe a last 5% of performance. If I was going down an amp upgrade, I would hold off on this, but I'm really happy with my Hovland amp/Def 4s synergy, and so this is the logical road to go down to improve performance envelope further (save for possible Zu Event power cords/replacement of stock spikes).
Thanks Charles, decision to go down VSF Black Cu in motion, waiting on Zu's Sean and my UK dealer to liase to do upgrade. My Hovland amps are really hitting the sweet spot via the Def 4s, no upgrade needed here, so this is a no brainer to squeeze out another 5%. Feels strange to know that my system has gone up a quantum leap and is not wanting in any way. After this change, thus I'm rapidly reaching the end point of system building.
The Def 4s were a very tough sell, but possible. If I knew about the caps in advance, I would have added that to the price from the getgo. Now, with all new kitchen applicances etc; this ain't happening. It's embarrassing to complain. High class situations. It would not be fair. Figuring the cost of caps and shipping to and from the Hamptons--major $$. I like your "stoked" line. Plain ole Def 4s should do me fine.