will they go louder


I just installed new electonics and tested them on my Maggie 3.5 speakers. Sounded great until I blew both fuses with the tweeters (my son turneed the volume up beyond what I'd listen to - the tweeters are OK still - not harmed).
Does anybody know if the new Maggie 3.7 or old 20.1 will go louder in the tweeter range without blowing fuses?

Best wishes,

08-19-11: Sounds_real_audio
It would be cheaper to upgrade your fuses.... go with 10 amp slow blows. Get rid of your son as well.
Sounds_real_audio (Threads | Answers | This Thread)

Stay with the proper fuse. They used it for protection, and it worked!
I had 1.6 Maggies with an Innersound ESL amp (a special one with an extra big power supply) so it had about 1000 watts and they played insanely loud.

I have heard the 3.5 tweeter is a bit more sensitive than the QR but I do wonder if you have enough power myself...
Thank you for your responses. I think my amps are powerful enough - they are the Magtech amps with a lot of power into four ohms. They sound very good with the Maggie speakers. I don't usually plan to play speakers so loud - I think I could damage my hearing. But on the right occasion (such as when relatives come and want to blast out the room) it would be nice to be able to do this without blowing out a fuse. But I'd rather blow the fuse than the tweeters so I'll stick with the proper fuses.
Sounds like you might own the wrong speakers for your son to enjoy. Magnepans look like they should play at ear bleeding levels, but my experience is they wont in large rooms, or if you sit past 8ft from them. For reference I am speaking 98-100 db's or more.
One thing to make maggies have strong bass is to stick something alongside to block the front/rear bass cancellation. with a board alongside each trim strip on thesides, the bass is VERY much stronger.
On my 3.6s music with bass played at say 75dB, exact same musci, same volume etc, with boards six ft tall and 8 inches wide on only the bass side (not on tweeter edge) increases the SPl at seated position by 4 db.
and that is all bass and lower midrange.
So try adding a board to the sides ofthe panel. I can just place one next to, and tape the top edge with packing tape, and it really ROCKS with the bass.
If you want hard rockin' slam, add a temporary 12 inch wide board (as tall as speakers) off the sides. You will not believe the bass coming off that speaker...