Room Treatment for Corners - Recommendations?

Do folks have any recommendations for ceiling corner room treatments? I had read some good reviews of such triangle-like treatments from Eight Nerve, but the company appears to be out of business now.

I may also want to try some other treatmetns too, but corners are my priority just now. I'm improvising some pilates tubular exercise type thingies in on the floor in the corners behind the speakers currently, but am guessing I may get better results from proper tube traps, although they can get pricey and I'd prefer to focus on more cost effective solutions.

Any ceiling-corner solutions out there?
Thanks for the great recommendations. I'll explore some of these options. Happy listening!
"Also you have a dependence on what type of front end equipment you have whether it is SS or tube becuse that will also have influence on what you're trying to accomplish with your room treatments and how you place them."

Now, how does that change or influence room acoustics?

I suggested plants because they have a high wife acceptance factor. To put anything else in there you will get static from the boss.
Stringreen are you serious about real plants? Are you saying they work better/sound better then fake trees/plants?