Best vale for money CD Player in $2000-3000 price

Woud appreciate your help ,experts.
It's time for me to upgrade my cd player.
My budget - 2000 - 3000 $.
Is out there a reliable allrounder cd player as I (depending on my mood) listen to everything from classics
to hard rock.
Transparancy and natural sounding instruments is what am looking for.
Still can't decide whether to go for tube or SS player.
I consider Musical Fidelity A5,Sugden CD21SE,Consonance Droplet 5.1 , Audio Aero Capitol MK2(second hand).
Any other suggestions based on your experience would be greatly appreciated.
Thankk you.
I agree with Itsalldark, that if you can find a used Capitole II for $3,000, jump on it immediately. (I doubt you will though, as they tend to go closer to $4K, but maybe you have a source already!)

A good second choice would be a Resolution Audio Opus 21.
These tend to go for around $2,200=-$2,500 used. (New they are $3,500.)

Good Luck in your search!
Your price range matches mine. I've narrowed it down to about 10 players. In addition to the fine players you have listed, I would add the following:

Cary 306/200
Meridian G08 / 588
Lector CDP-7T( correct model #?)
Sim Moon Eclipse
EMC UP / Mark 2
Marantz SA-11S
Musical Fidelity Tri-Vista