How can I improve my Sony SCD-777ES for red book

Dear Audiophiles,
I have a Sony SCD777ES and would like to improve on the redbook cd playback but not sure which route to take. Here are my options based on research thus far:
1) Sell it for about $1400.00 and buy a new CD/SACD player for about $3500.00 in the used market.

2) Send the unit in for modifications.

3) Buy a nice DAC for redbook. With is option, can I buy a nice DAC for around 2.5K ? What are your recommendations?

Your help is greatly appreciated.
Having had the Sony SCD-777ES SACD/CD player along with a buddy who had his modified, the modified one sounded better then the stock unit. BUT, when he sold the unit, he lost too much money versus what the mods cost him. I went and purchased a used DAC. The DAC I purchased was as good as or better then the modifed unit on Redbook playback. When I sold my Sony, I got close to what I paid for the unit. I still have my DAC and can get what I paid for it used.

So my recommendation is to get a used DAC. Depending if you want SS or tube sound in your system, there are some very nice sounding DACs that easily better the stock Sony on Redbook playback. I had posted a thread on this many years ago but here are some DAC recommendations:

SS DAC Units:
1. Electrocompaniet was the best bang for the buck DAC that I heard at the time.
2. Chord 64 was the best of al the DACs I tried in stock form.

Tube DAC Units:
1. Audio Logic DACs were the best tube DACs I tried. You can find them for around $1500 or less depending on the model.

Email me if you'd like more information.

Happy Listening.
I think you would do well to spend the 2.5K (or less) on a nice DAC. The
question I think you have to ask yourself is, "am I comfortable with
modding my gear?" If you ARE comfortable with modding you would
probably get the most value out of modding. But, For 2K or less you can buy
a DAC that I think would significantly improve your redbook playback. You
already have a great transport in the 777.

Two recommendations for DAC's: there is a Dodson 217MK II-D on sale right
now. Also, the new April Music Stello DAC has gotten impressive reviews for
around $1200.

I know the Sony is very well built, but it is a few years older now and I
(personally) would be concerned about shipping it around and having things
done to it. (I am now expressing my personal aversion to modding, which is
not completely rational, I know).
I have modified my SCD-1 twice and now have all the available mod's from Audiomod (Richard Kern) I generally feel this is far and away the best money spent in that so much of the SCD-1/777ES is beyond anything a similar dollar would buy. In your case however you are straddling the line. First off, your motors and lasers are around five years old and will die in the coming year or so. I had both motors and both laser pick-ups replaced at the same time as my last mod. This was around $500.

Given that cost, and shipping round trip to Portland you are left with only a few mod options in your budget. I would get Superclock 3 and Superclock 3 power supply, about $300 each. I then suggest the op-amps being replaced followed by the power regulators. This is possibly beyond your budget, but that would be the order I would consider.

Now if you feel you could better the level this would produce, then go for it. I guess I still consider the mod route the best though.
Richard Wright of Modright will I think take this to a full tube output status.Trying to think of very hot selling D/A and PS that they allowed him to keep factory wararnty [PS3 and PSA were models].If I think of name I'll email you.Ouboard keeps flexiblity but if you mnotice even the big boyz are going one piece-less dreaded jitter generally inherent in these designs and no cabling issues.Toss up.Ayre,Gamut,Music Fidelity,etc have excellent CD players (and some like Muiscal Fidelity offer both players and converters).Another factor is the kind of discs OTHER than red book you might want to play.No to all but some SACD's are breathtaling.Esoteric (Teac high end) runs universla discs if that's an issue.Denon or $1K befor mods rubs all the idscs though buddy picked $1K Sony as he thinks SACD is entrenched and DVD-A may wither on vine especially id DVD-HD or Blyue Ray get there act together but thinks SACD will still survive.Think that once you eveluate the cost (many times not cheap) of upgrades you may think it's a bust head to head with what some some companies are offering in your price range.But sopme folks become almost Mooney like devotee's to blcakgates and fast diodes and Vishay resistors anmd figures nobody will rpoduce the HG you get from the mod squad crowd if you but a ready made.May time the modsters have levels so why not take what you have (though they are pickly about which are "worth thier time and your money" and go with first level.If it lights a fire send back for full make over (hopefully the premium for breaking up the process won't be so great).I am cheap so thinking I will go with the $1K D./A bought used and whenm my pocet are more chinga lingy I'll get the mods.But that's me.
The external DAC route will yield the best results on CD's. If you go this route, I recommend that you get the digital output and clock modified in the transport. Here is some more info on why:

A great DAC, even stock is the Benchmark DAC-1. It has improved a lot in the last year. With mods, it will go way beyond "nice". It becomes hard to beat, and will probably beat out the SACD, even with mods.