How can I improve my Sony SCD-777ES for red book

Dear Audiophiles,
I have a Sony SCD777ES and would like to improve on the redbook cd playback but not sure which route to take. Here are my options based on research thus far:
1) Sell it for about $1400.00 and buy a new CD/SACD player for about $3500.00 in the used market.

2) Send the unit in for modifications.

3) Buy a nice DAC for redbook. With is option, can I buy a nice DAC for around 2.5K ? What are your recommendations?

Your help is greatly appreciated.
It depends on whether you wish to persue the dying SACD-route further or not. For an improvement in red-book only, I would try a Benchmark DAC-1 for 1000 $ or Grace M902 for 1700$. Already the Benchmark should give you a huge improvement in red book CD-listening.
The more you mod the better it gets. You'll get more bang for your buck. You won't find an SACD/CD player that betters SACD and redbook unless you spend much more.

The DAC options might give you the best of both worlds, but you'll need a digital cable, a shelf on your rack and maybe a power chord, so it depends if you want to hastle with all of that. When it's all said and done, you'll probably get the most bang for your buck with mods. My XA777ES modded sounds good enough to where I don't crave tubes. Prior to that I didn't think I'd ever keep a SS CD player. Or another option is getting a good redbook player for $1,500 -2,000 used.

Good luck and keep us posted what choice you make.

Dear all,
Thank you very much for your valuable time spent of this subject in providing many detailed suggestions. If I replace the motors and laser pick-ups for $500.00 and Superclock 3 and Superclock 3 power supply as suggested by jadem6, would this mean that I am going to have more or less a new player in terms of longevity with significant improvement on redbook playback???. And yes i would still very much like to pursue the dying SACD and deal with it when it's dead. Can anyone please comment on what Bigkidz was saying about going with the DAC route, sonically,just as good or better than mods assuming with the same amount of money spent on both options.
Thanks again,
Hi Anthuan, Yes in effect. The two motors and two lasers are prone to dying at this age. I spent quite a bit of time discussing this with Richard Kern, and that is becoming a larger part of his business with these units. He is actually now running ads for replacing motors. I suggested I try only replacing the motors, but he said at five years the lasers are just as prone to problems. these are the only parts that wear at this rate. Theoretical the capacitors at ten years will begin to lose there capacity, where the Blackgate should last 50 years. In my mind, extending my player five more years was logical. I have not seen great breakthroughs in cd playback since the introduction of your player. I suggest the manufacturers are still waiting out the format war. Given the last two year's amount of high end SACD machines being introduced, and the lack of very high end DVD-A machines, I think they have decided. The next five years (IMO) we'll see some major improvements in digital playback. When your ready to sell your Sony, you should have a nice selection of players to choose from.

Superclock from all I've read is the most improvement for the money. I have no way to verify this in that my original (five years ago) mod's included Blackgate capacitors and Vishey resistors on both the audio and power boards. I also has the op-amps and power regulators replaced. This last month I had the additional mods made, so my reference is clouded within all the other mods.

I have read quite a bit from people who have done one mod at a time on their SCD-1/777ES. My conclusions are what I suggested. I would certainly verify my findings with Richard,

There have been a lot of people who responded to this thread who clearly have no knowledge of these players. I suggest the stock unit still betters 80% of the players available today, and I'm discussing redbook playback here. The superclock and op-amps will bring you within the top 10%. The remaining modifications (about $3500 total) will each improve the performance, but I do not here you asking for the EMM Meitner performance level. With these mod's you can sit back, enjoy the music knowing you are bettering most players (many much more expensive) and continue building your SACD library.

Despite the often written obituary for SACD, it is stronger than ever, and they are finally getting around to re-mastering to DSD some of the music we have been asking for.

Good luck and feel free to email me if you need specifics.
