Sunfire, Bedini 803, Mac to drive Apogee Scintilla

Debating about buying a pair of Apogee Scintillas in very good shape..I have a Sunfire Signature amp, Bedini A803 or a Mac MC2600 will any of them give the desired results, heard that PS audio 2 might be a good choice??

You need to find out if the specific pair you're considering are the 1 ohm speaker, or the version that
has a selectable 1 ohm/4 ohm load.
That drops the field of candidate amps by a large percentage.
I'm not familiar with the amps you've listed...
I have a pair of Pass Aleph 2s. They drive my 3 ohm Apogee Stages, easily. On my Stages, in my room, they have plenty of power. My listening levels are not that loud.