Thiel model 3.7 - nice speaker.

All, I was updating my set-up, and listened to a bunch of speakers...again. What I wanted, is a FULL range true sound stage product. I have Vandersteen Quatro Signature II woods right now. Yes, the do full range, but don't have that realistic sound stage and impact that the best (expensive too, I found out) speakers have.

Through all my listening, the speaker that surprised me the most, was the Thiel 3.7. I've listened to the more expensive ones, but this smaller model is impressive sounding. If someone took my Quatro's away, and then said, "go buy a 10K speaker", I think the 3.7 might be it!.

Why? OK, the bass is thin, but smooth and never seemed bloated. True, it lacks SLAM but then many smaller floor standing speakers lack slam (move lots of air). So the bass if good sounding if not as deep as my Quatro's. Moving up to the mids and highs, the coaxial mid / tweeter is really impressive in resolution and detail without seeming harsh. Get the mids right and it can cover a LOT of sins. But, a slightly truncated bass isn't a terrible sin. This speaker does a LOT right. So if I could live with just a little less bass, and wanted ONE (stereo)or TWO (mono) high current amps (3.7's like power) to run things this is a NICE speaker. The imaging is solid, if not smaller sounding than my woods, but it is probably cleaner, too. So a trade is made, full range Quatro's over what I hear as A class mids and uppers. It isn't night and day, but it IS better. Nothing is night and day at 10K.

True, the designer of this product passed away, but near as I can tell the DESIGN exists and is no worse for wear. My 801's played for thirty years before a tweeter gave-up the ghost and isn't available.

The thought of 3.7 with a sub crossed my mind, but this gets stupid expensive (sub and amp is big bucks). If you HAVE them, it is probably a cheaper upgrade then a sell and replace, though. Still, I thought that this is probably the BEST Theil speaker I ever heard. It is not, to my ears, too bright or thin. Male vocals, which are hard to get right, are just right. Those who have this speaker long term, what do you think?

I ended up with DynAudio Confidence C4 series II Signatures since the price is the same as the 3.7 with subs. The real estate footprint is smaller overall (C4's go up, not out in size), too. The C4 sound stage is life size with slam and full range sound. Mids and highs are exceptional (the price was exceptionally high, too!). But, this speaker is limited to a bigger room (my room is ~14 feet wide x 39 feet long x 8.5 feet high).

Still, I have to tell you all, listen to the 3.7 before you "listen" to all the off-handed comments about Thiel speakers. This one is a gem in my book; smaller, easy to place, superb smooth detail, solid imaging and great openness at low levels (live in an apartment?). It all depends on how you balance your sound dollars. The Quatro is still a magnificent FULL RANGE speaker - one of very few. Being honest though, the Thiel 3.7...I could live with that speaker too!

No other speaker new speaker I auditioned other than the C4 impressed me like the Thiel 3.7. And the 3.7 will compliment a smaller room, with superb detail, and at 75 dB SPL listening (oh it went loud).

So what have owners and listeners "heard". If you heard other Thiel models, or are parroting the party line...go listen before you chime in, please.
The bass is thin?! Last I checked, there should be an eq with these. Do you have it?
I love the Thiel CS3.7. The bass is not as massive as in my former Revel Salon1 but the Thiel is a pretty amazing package for the price and I like it more than the Salon. I like it over all the speakers I heard in the 20K and under range. I am going to buy this speaker soon. I have heard the CS3.7 with a Thiel sub ($5000 I think) and I hated the combo. There could be several reasons for this but I was happy I liked the lower priced speaker over the speaker + sub.

While I wait for a place with more living room space I bought the Thiel SCS4 which has the same tweeter as the 3.7. The sound is not harsh but very nice for a relatively inexpensive monitor ($998/each). I have paired the speakers with a Bryston 4B-SST and I have not complaints about the harshness of the sound. There are many posts in A’Gon about Thiel being harsh and Bryston also being harsh. You would think both together would be unbearable based on comments here.

In the past I have sold off speakers I found too harsh (rookie mistake buying those decently rated speakers). But the new Thiels tweeters are not that way at all.

The new stereophile has an article that mentions other speakers in the Thiel 3.7 class that the reviewer(s) would consider to own.