Magico V2 vs. Q1

I currently own a V2 - is it worth upgrading to Q1?
Charyro, do you mean from a sonic perspective, a profit perspective, or both? I wonder at this point which design has more sold units. There are quite a few Mini 1 and Mini 2 out there. If what you refer to is a sonic improvement, how would you describe the difference? Thanks.
sonic improvement:
- more transparent in particular in medium (probably because of less cabinet resonance)
- smoother tweeter
- more bass extension
- gives more the impression to listen to a "big" speaker. Don't know why: maybe bass extension or maybe because of broader image.
Don't get me wrong, the Mini 2 is great, but when I compared it with Q1 in same room I realized that the improvement with the Q1 is bigger than what I expected