Can I hear from some Emerald Physics Cs3 owners

I have owned a pair of EP cs3 for about two months along with a pair of Omega subs..Best speaker system I have ever had! I have had a long list(magnepan smg,mg12,mg1.6,Zu Essence,Omega alnico 8s,on and on...The EPs do it all and more! My question is(why isn't there more people going crazy over these speakers)
I bet the whole DSP thing scares away many 'philes. I've been intrigued since I read REG's review in TAS.
A friend of mine had a pair and we compared them to two pairs conventional speakers in the 4K price range. We both heard nothing to particularly distinguish the EPs, except that they were more of a PITA to deal with because of the DSP and all. They sounded good, but so did the others. I guess if you want to spend time tweaking the crossovers instead of listening to music, the EPs are a good choice.
That surprises me that you say that about the dsp..The presets make the setup a snap..Also the speakers really shine with a fast sub..They have a setting in the behringer for one or two subs that make it real easy to setup..less than 5 minutes..
Had the CS-2 for a while. They are initially impressive as they do the controlled directivity thing very well, almost as good as the Geddes designs. However, they lack detail due to the cheap compression driver. I went to Martin Logans for much better transparency and detail in the music.

If you are happy with the Emerald's that is all that matters.