Used full-range speakers less than $1,500

I am looking for used full range speakers to work with a solid state amplifier. I am looking for speakers that present a well balanced sound not emphasizing the treible or bass, but very musical.

On my short list of models and manufactures:
Alon Lotus Elite
Nola Viper IIa
Gershman -maybe out of my price range
Sonus Faber- again maybe out of my price range
Avalon - same as above

i listen to a variety of music from A to Z. The room is not very large : 14 x 19 with carpeting and no other sound treatments

Looking for your assistance to help identify potential brands/models to look at.....
Ohm Walsh are spectacular in that price range. They replaced Alon Model V in my system which I loved very much. The V's have been sitting in the corner for the past 6 months and I haven't missed them.
Add Von Schweikert's VR-4 to the list. They can be had in your target price range and are true full range speaker that is easy to drive. They really are an enormous value.

Good Luck,

i thought about von vr4 or vr4 jr spkrs; however, they are approaching 10 yrs of age as well and my need new surrounds, etc...

is the vr4 or vr4jr better than the alon ii or alon lotus elite?