Speaker height vs ceiling height

My basement is a bit over 7 foot.
How high can I go for speakers?
Is 6 foot speaker too high for the ceiling? Then, how about 5 1/2 foot?
get 7 foot 1 inch speakers, then you can use them to support the ceiling...dual purpose
Why people bother to waste time posting when they have nothing useful to share? Worse when they are cynical about a perfectly genuine question

I believe if speakers is too near to ceiling , it's similar to placing speakers too near to sidewall. There are a lot of software to help u to check out room mode issues with such close placement to ceiling
Take a joke.
Having said that there are tall speakers that beam in narrow fashion like a Electrostat so there is no easy answer. There is a huge difference in how a Planar, Electrostat and a Dynamic behaves.