Amperex 6922 overkill?

I have an all Audio Note system with a MK2 Sig. Dac. The stock tubes are 6922 Soviek's.
Will the Amperex 6922,PQ,White Label,Gold Pins,U.S. or Holland (Joe's tube lore) be a overkill in this Dac?. Cost for these tubes,$400.00? Yes!. Any other tubes that will work as well?

I have the 2.1x balanced dac and I used mullards which I love. any tubes you put in the dac will give you more than a $400 improvement over the sound of the sovtechs.
Tube prices are ridiculous. They have been for a while. I guess they remain that way because audio'philes' are willing to pay ridiculous amounts of money for them. Just look at some of the ads here on the 'Gon. I suppose when my stash is gone I'll be selling my preamp.
Gary. i also have a 2.1x dac and have tried a lot of tubes and for the money the Mullards ( silky rich and smooth ). The Amperex bb are more dynamic but still retain a rich and smooth sound for this dac. These two tubes to me sound better than E88CC telefunkens. Hope this helps, for $400 you can buy 2 pairs of each and be ok for tubes for the next 15 years with that dack.

$400.00 is to much for any tube, i don't care what it is

Your gear at retail, $130,000, + ?????????????????????????

oh, i know this hobby can get very expensive, and i have spent a considerable amount on it, i can justify spending money on a beautiful piece of equipment, but it really bothers me, when people try to take advantage, and sell tweaks at excessive prices, or make false claims about the amount of performance enhancement