Amperex 6922 overkill?

I have an all Audio Note system with a MK2 Sig. Dac. The stock tubes are 6922 Soviek's.
Will the Amperex 6922,PQ,White Label,Gold Pins,U.S. or Holland (Joe's tube lore) be a overkill in this Dac?. Cost for these tubes,$400.00? Yes!. Any other tubes that will work as well?

PLEASE DON"T ENCOURAGE THESE JERKS THAT SELL TUBES FOR INSANE PRICES. If no one pays that kind of money- the price will fall.
My second beef is with the companies who almost invariably use the worst tube around in current production (Sovteks) for multi thousand dollar pieces of gear. They are very cheap tubes but There are current production tubes which are better and only cost a few dollars more.How cheap can you be! I can see why it would be impossible to use NOS tubes but the consistent use of Sovtek tubes is absurd how are they voicing their products, don't they realize that they are damaging their reputations. It requires you to roll the tube. This has happened to me on 3 occasions.
You might ask douglikesaudio, who also has an all Audio Note system and a 2.1 Sig DAC. He's tried a few 6922's, I believe. I've tried the Mullards in several applications, and for around $90/pr, I find them sound great. Not overly detailed, not overly lush. In our 300B integrated amp, they were the only tubes aside from the crazy expensive Siemens CCa's that I found to be musically satisfying.
Best of luck,
Mechans... absolutely agreed. The amazing part is how they can get anythung equpped with Sovtecs to sound like music ... it really doesn't. Ahhhh but with the right tubes, that's a different story