Variations in how your system sounds?

Apologies if this has been covered elsewhere.
My system sounds consistently good to my ears for the majority of listening sessions but every now and again (say 1 in 20) it sounds slightly 'off' -- not its usual self. It is a very small difference but i do hear it. I would describe it as a slight lack of focus and dynamics. This has happened through many changes of all components.
Is it my mood, or hearing variation? Do i need to filter my power? Do you have similar experiences?
I always attributed it to psychology, or physiology (ie my hearing). Also, have you ever noticed how if you leave on vacation for a while, how sweet your system sounds on return?
this has come up before with no final resolution agreed upon.

fwiw I have experienced the same thing and can not pin point it to anything specific wheather it be humidity, my mood, power quality, time of day (except after 11 PM).

The only obvious difference for me is after about 11 PM the sound is better and I am sure that is because my neighbors are using less power but that is not what this post is about.
Glad to know I am not the only one with this problem! I agree about any number of objective or subjective variables above that can affect our overall listening experience. Goes to show there are no absolutes in this hobby which keeps it interesting.
Its 'lights out' at 11:00 for the audio gremlins.
They need their sleep too.
i had similar issue's before upgrading my power supply. dedicated lines and good outlets took care of it for me. as always... your mileage may vary.