Magico V2 / Dynaudio C4

I was recently offered really compelling prices for both pair of speakers, and because there is really no where near for me to audition neither, I was hoping that someone can give me some advices as far as what are the advantages of either speaker. Thank you!
The Dynaudio is a large, almost full-range speaker that can play very loudly and handle big orchestral music. It requires a large room.

The Magico is appropriate for medium to small-sized rooms and has limited loudness compared to the Dynaudio (it has two less drivers and is sealed-box). It does not play as "big" as the Dynaudio, which is good for some types of music and not good for others.

Both are excellent speakers - they just have different uses.
I heard the V2s and C2's, sorry, not the C4's, on the same day. The V2's are good speakers. Good dynamics, imaging, and extension. I thought these would be pretty good with orchestral works. I actually preferred SF Cremona's to the V2's on small scale works and vocals. I did not like the V2's as much as Wilson Sophia 3's, which are about the same price new. The V2's could be a good purchase for the right price, depending on your taste in music.
If the C4's sound anything like the C2's I'd pass. I was not impressed at all with the C2's.