Magico V2 / Dynaudio C4

I was recently offered really compelling prices for both pair of speakers, and because there is really no where near for me to audition neither, I was hoping that someone can give me some advices as far as what are the advantages of either speaker. Thank you!
IMO I disagree..The C4s are not limited to large rooms ,mine worked great in medium room so thats nonsense.The C2s are not even close to C4s so you cant compare them at all..and again IMO if your looking at Magico forget the V versions and buy the newer line
Jump on the new MAGICO Q1 it sounded great when i heard it at Ears Nova in NYC.
Or find a used pair of Mini II's. There are some deals on the "wooden" Magico speakers right now. They won't be as inexpensive as the V2, but you get what you pay for, especially at current used prices, IMO.
Mission, what are the dimensions of your listening room? Just curious about your experience with the C4s.