The search among the great ones - 20k+ speakers


I have started the "speakerjourney", where I want to be able to decide for _the_ speaker for me. I rather save up and spend some more and hopefully live with one of these speakers for a long time.

What are you guys opinion on the following speakers? Have anyone several of them?

The only thing I have now, that I want to build a system from, is a Modwright Transporter. I am going for a digital based hdd-source.

*Evolution Acoustics MM2
*Von Schweikert VR-7
*B&W 800 Diamond
*Burmester B100 Reference
*Rockport Mira II Grand
*Focal JMLab Maestro Utopia III

I want a speaker that I can live long able to play all different kinds of music, and recordings without running out of the room because of "sharp/ringing highs"

For that matter, you might want to consider every $20,000 speaker, which this is what is going to turn to. A more interesting question might be "what $20,000 speakers are not very good and not worth the price?" I would hope most are pretty darn good, or they won't be around very long.