Best Speakers at RMAF 2011...?

What speakers impressed you at RMAF 2011 and why?
Anything underwhelming, despite the hype?

I found the following to be very intriguing and impressive.
- In no particular order:

1) Magico Q1
2) Totem Element (Fire)
3) Avalon Idea
4) Totem Hawk? (Hegel Room)
5) Evolution Acoustics MM Micro One
6) Joseph Speakers, Perspective

These speakers seemed to have a very good mix of macro and micro dynamics, bass response, articulation, musicality, sound stage and a seemingly limitless high frequency range.

At $2k, the Evolution Acoustics may be a bargain of the bunch.

Appreciate your thoughts...!
the Kaisers were very good. a little bright sounding until I got used to the sound. very unassuming people.

Fritz loudspeakers always sound good and are a bargain.

The Salk songtowers do give thrill for just 2K and are tube friendly.

the eggshaped speakers in the Luxman room gave a very good account of themselves.

What really stole the show though ( no, I didn't hear all the rooms) was the Teresonics. Just breathtaking and musical, and I was NOT a Lowther or backloaded horn fan.
Priced reasonably for what they are. If I had 100k speakers
I would sell them for 50k and buy three sets of these/
Also the Dodd room with the GR research open baffles
was very involving, dynamic, and low priced.

A good speaker is still hard to find these days.
Not that you will get any, but the Western Electrics
were outstanding too.
I was quite impressed with all of the YGs and the Sashas. AudioPhysic, both models I herd, were very impressive. But the real stars of the show were the speakers in the 3 to 5K range. I was starting to feel cursed with too much money. The performance of this price range was just outstanding. Many many flavors, the Emeralds a good example.

I agree on the AudioPhysic Speakers, such clean dynamic sound out of relatively slender speakers. Although price wise, I think both models were out of the ballpark for me. I like how they seem to disappear.

"...cursed with too much money."

Heh, heh. If you are being sarcastic, I'm right there with you. If you're being serious, then I'm quite envious!

Wilson Audio Speakers always sound terribly good, year after year. I'm surprised they feel they need to show their wares.

Unfortunately, I didn't get to hear the Emeralds. Too many people in the room, at the time.