Advice on stand alone DAC

I'm putting together a modest system for my "winter getaway" in Florida. Have a Pioneer DV-79avi univeral player, with GMA Callistos on order. Would like to add a better DAC for redbook. Thinking tube-based to but flexible. Prefer to stay under $1000, new or used. A couple of Musical Fidelity A3.24s are listed here in the $500-600 area - any good?

Advice very much appreciated.

Nutella: I frankly hadn't heard of the Museatex, but a little reading on threads make it sound like a very interesting possibility. The only problem would appear to be finding someone willing to part with one!
electrocompinent dac ( goes for $1100- $1200)...a little on the lush side, but INCREDIBLEY musical....
Talk to Vlad at Audio Mirror, The D2 is pretty amazing and well within your budget.
Running into Yamaha receiver? In my opinion buying an external dac would be a waste of money. Why not just run your DVD player into Yamaha via digital cable and use Yamaha's dac to do the work for redbook cd playback? Otherwise, if you really crave external dac, then a dedicated 2ch linestage is a necessity. The potential of a good external dac will not be realized in Yamaha's 2ch mode. Just my $.02