Amps for MBL 111

I'm trying to figure out a good amp to run MBL 111's. I've narrowed down my choices to McIntosh, VTL, Krell (possible) or the elcheapo route Emotiva )I've picked these because of local dealers). Has anyone had any experience running any of these with MBL...or any other comments???
I agree. Thanks Martinmobile. I'm just starting my evolution from entry level hi-fi & I'm taking all the advice & feedback I can get.
I wouldn't bother with the Emotiva amps. They are a lot of bang for the buck but your speakers are highly resolving and will likely show the amps shortcomings. MBL speakers like a lot of power. I would look for something in the 200wpc range and up. I have read they sound their best with solid state as well. The best match would be MBL amps but they are very expensive.
MBL amps are quite expensive & I'm thinking that I should be able to find another brand that can do the job for less money.
Hey Jasonw01

If you have MBL speaker, its best to match with MBL amps. I know everybody try to find a cheaper way, but you wouldn't buy a Lexus w/michelin tires and later on replace it with a cheaper Radial tires just to save some bucks. Its just a thought. I saw you have other questions on some other threads but for me, MBL is it. You can't go wrong with MBL. Not only it sound phenomenal, but it look OUT OF THIS WORLD! Good luck on your search and let us know what you end up with.

Happy Listening....