Sony scd xa777es vs scd777es

Can anyone enlighten me as to the differences between these two units (other than their confusingly similar names)? Does either have balanced out? Which is considered to be the better unit? I see that one weighs almost twice as the other and is a top loader perhaps indicating better build quality. I am looking for a solid sony product as I have had good luck with my older es player.

Thanks to all

Yup, I hear you....I too was skeptical but when I observed some of his work on other players I am convinced he knows his stuff. I did do some research and what he is proposing is actually more common than I first thought as other modders do some of the same kind of mods i.e. mod wright and (VSE) vacum state electronics. Plus they (Reference Audio Mods) is a partner with Audio Consulting out of Switzerland which has done some interesting work as well as designed and developed various audio products. I had the opportunity to hear their silver rock passive pre-amp and was amazed at its clearity and detail.

In the end I am convinced that you can not get the most out the Sony player by simple R&R work. That circuit design needs to go along with the parts for best performance.

Sony engineers, while I am sure very intelligent, can not design this kind of circuitry for pedestrian products; corporate dynamics get in the way. I am not infering they don't have the ability it is just that their hands are tied.

The warranty on my SCD-1 is up in a couple of months and I believe Allen Wright has a mod that makes this player truly balanced,but it's fairly expensive.I've been kicking this idea around and going for the 5+ mod,or getting a very good DAC to compliment my player.The only downside to getting the DAC is it will only benefit it's Redbook performance.The new + mod is supposed to bring the SACD performance of the SCD-1 to a superb level,so I too,will be following these threads very closely over the next few months.Gary.

The mods to the scd-1 turn it into a remarkable player. I had the SC3 / SCPS installed and transport caps upgraded and the improvements in the bass response and high end extension are truly amazing also the midrange detail has improved substantially. Basically the player is much more open like several veils have been lifted off my speakers. It is a much improved player and yes the mods imporove both redook and sacd.

An outboard DAC only effects the redbook performance as you elude to and it adds complexity to the system by putting another component in the chain. Directionally IMO this is the wrong way to go. You want simple effective circuits with high quality parts in the chain, not more, for increased performance.

Thanks for the informed response Chuck.I'm definitely leaning towards the mods,being that I'm a big supporter(fan)of SACD.Gary.