Cambridge S30 and Jolida 102b

I just acquired a Jolida 102b, but my current "fill in" speakers, Polk R15 are not cutting it I used to own a pair of Silverline Minuets that I wish I would of kept. However, I'm forced financially to keep the new speaker purchase around $200. The Cambridge S30 seems to fit the bill. I would like a larger speaker but space constraints keep me limited to desktop sized monitors. How well will the S30 play with a 20 watt tube amp. I know most of you recommend choosing speakers first and then the amp, but I love tube amps (both aurally and visually). I enjoy a warm speaker. I don't mind even a little dark. I really do not like a bright speaker especially at near field. I don't even mind if it's laid back. Any other suggestions are appreciated.
I had Cambridge S30s in my office system for a couple of years. They're excellent speakers and a great deal. I replaced them with Silverline Minuets, and then replaced the Minuets with another pair of S30s. Don't get me wrong, the Minuets are better speakers, but not much better. I found the S30s to have similar strengths. Like the Minuets, they sound big, have better bass than you'd expect, and they're not at all bright. I ran them for awhile with a 20-watt T-amp, so I think they'd be fine with tubes. They could be just what you're looking for. I hope that this helps.
Ha, ha... you sound worse than me. Any particular reason that you came back to the S30 after the Minuets? I kick myself for selling the Minuets since they're hard to come by used now.
I wish I could say that this was the only time I sold something only to go back and buy it again (I think I'm on my third Creek headphone amp). I really sold the Minuets only because I couldn't justify them for background listening in my office when the Cambridge S30s were nearly as good--for 1/3 the price!