All the Emmlabs dcc2/cdsd hoopla..

Is this real? I mean they cost big bucks but is the sound that great? what does the combo do to the Redbook CD sound?
How does it compare to equal cost analouge front end?
No intention to badmounth Emmlabs, but is the combo that good??
Cdw57, no, there are none NWO-1 out there simply because they were all upgraded to NWO-2.5 and NWO-2.5T (the latest). We have 20 units out and 12 in shop.

Nilthepill, I have sent you 2 emails to invite you to the listening session that took place in Hollywood several weeks ago. There was also a blind shootout in San Diego the day before. May be you were away because you did not respond.

The EMM Labs Signature (CDSD/DCC2) is very very good indeed. It is a major improvement over the old EMM combos, IMHO. It is so much more musical, balanced, effortless, refined and realistic sounding. It won against the latest dCS and Meridian units. Please be aware that you will need to use a well designed power conditioner or power re-generator in order to hear what the EMM Signature is capable of.

Hi Alex, If you sent me an invitation/s I must have not gotten or not read (very rare). I have just bought Metronome Kalista and C2a signature combo that I am extremely happy with. With right output tubes , the digital combo is exceptional sounding. If only Metronome can figure out how to inject very very small amount of groove noise, it would be 99.99% analog from current 99.00% -:) I agree with need of well designed power conditioner. Drop me a note when you have another listening session/s in LA area.
Nil, I can re-send the two messages to you if you wish. I am sorry you did not get them!

As far as I know, the Metronome is a CD only (based on a Philips transport), no SACD, DAD or DVD-A. I do have a modest vinyl setup here at my place and will have to admit that vinyl recorded on CD (44.1/16) is good but not nearly as good as the vinyl on its own. Vinyl recorded to 96/24 DAD (LPCM) sounds very close but, if you want the “real deal”, you need to hit the 192/24 button. So while I'm sure the Metronome is great, just adding groove noise will not cut it. :-)

I will email you again when there is a demo in your area. You are also welcome to visit and hear for your self. If nothing else, I am sure you will get a reference point with the vinyl rig.

Thanks Alex.

Since I never got in to SACD or DVD audio, CD based digital was the only need I had.

I must have missed the messages. Next time around I will be sure to read the messages.