Speaker recommendations for small space

We are in a tiny place with lots of limitations. The days of dipoles are gone. I'm creating a minimalist system strictly for audio, not home theater. I have created some images of the space:


At the same time I'm moving to a Squeezebox (for now)and flac, wireless or wired. Active speakers would be ideal, but not necessary. We currently have an Antique Soundlabs AQ1001DT (60w)and an Anthem Integrated 2(90w @8ohms, 145w@4ohms)

Sweet spot is about 8' from speakers. The original plan was to eliminate the amps and use an active speaker (and Squeezebox) to minimalize. Quad 12L was at the top of the list. We will budget for a good, musical subwoofer.

I've lived a life with Apogee, Acoustat, Magnepan and Dynalabs and really resent giving it up, but there is no way to get large planars past WAF and space. Box speakers would look funky attached to the wall. Then I started searching for a wall mount. In wall is out since there is brick, etc. Magnepan MC1 and Martin Logan Vignette came to my attention. Both are in the price range, but just not sure of the quality.

I'm open to recommendations and wonder if the MC1 or Vignette would sound acceptable with a quality sub.

Also considering placing the sub in fireplace, but if that doesn't work,I'll find a place for it on the floor. Then again, there is an overhang area (seen in photos, over TV)which could possibly work.

Also note the slanted ceiling in the photos.

Will buy used. Speaker budget up to $600-1,000 and sub %500-700. I typically buy used but priority is sound, of course!

Thanks for any feedback. I'm confused.

I just transitioned from a small space using 2-way stand mounts to full range floor standers in a larger area. If you’re open to box speakers, take a look at the M12’s I listed last night. I’ve owned quite a few speakers costing more than several times their price and always ended up going back to the M12’s in smaller listening environments. In regard to a sub, I used a pair of TBI Magellan V1 U’s to augment the M12’s low end with great results. Should you go the planar route, the TBI’s would integrate well for the speed needed with that type of speaker and would fit nicely within the confines of your fireplace. They do pop up on Agon from time to time and as luck would have it, there are two (not mine) currently listed. Best of luck ;)
Also research BeoLab 3 and BeoLab 4000 from Bang & Olufsen.

That fits your first object of active loudspeakers plus they fit in tiny spaces. Expensive but killer sound from a tiny box.
Wow...tough space. I've listened to many speakers, trying to find some that work well against the wall without too much bass bloom. Only thing I've found that work well are Anthony Gallo A'Divas. See if you can find some to listen to. John Blue might be a good bet too.

Good luck.
A pair of Spendor S 3/5 sealed minimonitors (like a modern LS 3/5a)with a variety of amplification and a minimum of about 6 inches out from the wall can be quite amazing. Can be found on Audigon for ~ $600+ frequently. I had Quad 63's for a while and the little S 3/5's could frequently out Quad the Quads.
I am using a pair of NHT Classic 3 in a small, 11 x 10 room with great results. The drivers on the 3 are very close together, which allows them to integrate very soon after leaving the speaker. I would avoid any tower or other speakers that have widely spaced drivers since you dont have the room to allow them to gel together well. Teh classic 3 lists for $999 but can be found new for $400.