new dynaudio focus 380 speakers

hi fellow very interested regerds the new dynaudio focus 380 model...has anyone heard it...or more better buyed it...i saw some videos from audio show in munich with chord amps and it seems to me that it is a serious if someone heard it...with witch equipment...what was music that good it is...if not 380 model but some smaller of the same line describe that freely...and musical preferences of listener please so we can better understand tastes and terminology...tnx
My room size is about 6x6meter, 0.5meter away from each wall.

In Rock i'm hearing Radiohead, Nirvana a bit, Pink Floyd, Beatels and more, is sound better then my previous speakers and It sure have body and slam. Its amazing for orchestral, jazz, chamber, soft/classical/unplugged rock and very good for movies for amazing sound effects/sound-tracks/"house shaking" bass.

About metal,hard rock....i'm not sure. i think it may a bit too audiophilic speaker for hard rock music cause its too detailed and you will hear every little sound they put into the recording. you may want speakers with less elements like Spendor/Harbeth and others....

Said all that, you must listen by yourself, if your main focus is rock you should test and compare more speakers.

About the integrated, i read that Hegel H200 is very good with the focus. The best amp i tested with the speaker (power+pre) was the Ayre V5xe+K5xe.
tnx on main focus aint rock and metal but i like when a speaker costing 6000euros do that part well...i know that most of rock albums are not to good produced but lets say that i have some quality vinyl pressings of rock and metal music so if the speaker is neutral i dont think there will be problems...for the rest i will have have identhical dac like my friend so i get you from the point of source...i will try audition that speaker for sure cuz exept metal i listen to alot of fine softer music so its nice to know that this speaker does acoustical instruments lifelike...i will search for you if needed more info...tnx Joe...
hey Joe...have you noticed something new regarding your speakers...have you heard ASR emitter paired with dynaudio speakers...did you changed your amp....