B&W 805D2 or Magico Q1?

Has anyone compared these two speakers? with all of the over-the-top reviews for the B&W's and the reputation held by Magico for their pursuit of a new paradigm of perfectionism i am left wondering if there is any real competition or should i just trust the numbers, i.e. $24,950 vs $5,000...? i am not trying to start a fight here either, but theoretically what more can "anyone" do with a woofer and a tweeter with a single crossover and a rock-solid cabinet?
just as an aside, $5K used to buy you a (new) state-of-the-art FULL-RANGE B&W speaker system that could play at LIVE SPL's. of course they couldn't compete with Wison's or Sonus Fabers for resolving fine detail, but umteem improvements later we (supposedly) have a whole new ball game out there.
Nvp, no there is not an older version of the CR1. There was a prototype running around for a few years, but never went into production. Was work in progress for the final CR1,

I do agree with prices, but that is unfortunately a widely industry spread issue and not of one brand or the other. Is funny (not at all) how a manufacturer releases a unit, gets brave reviews either from users at shows or wherever or from the JA and JVs of this world... and after a year they raise an already unsane price level by no less than 20 to 30 per cent. That is common practice now, and in my opinion a very poor practice that shows no respect for clients. But anyway.

Yes the CR1 are very very expensive even more for a monitor, but they are not really your typical monitor soundwise. While not a big speaker, they produce bigger! sound than others floorstanders I listened to costing more while doing all the good things a monitor does and then some. But yes, for 40k euro, they could have at least the (decency?) to include the stands...
Very cool, it seems that the three of us, i.e. me, Usermanual and Eelii08, are online lurking on audiogon.

While this thread has run its course, and thus it is less important that we are off topic, it might be better to continue this discussion on a different thread, i.e. one about TAD speakers/electronics. Other might be interest in the topic. There is not a lot of information about TAD on internet (or at least I did not find much).

Regarding TAD speakers being played loud at shows, it is certainly not my experience. But I have only heard them at two shows. Last time, at Munich 2012, the Evolution one was playing and to me they produced the second best sound in that day (only the 87 years old horn played by Salbatone Acoustics bettered them). The volume was certainly moderate (I typically listen at 60-70 db) and I do not like loud rooms. The sound was very well balanced top to bottom, detailed but warm and full, certainly not forward thin and/or bright.

Usermanual, I hope I do/did not give you the impression I am debating your comments. Just relating my experience.

I just started a post for TAD speakers owners. We can take it there if you want. so far there are 0 posts...

But if it is going to be to write non sense, it was not really the intention of the if manual you feel TAD has no deep bass you either have to listen again, or get your ears checked. CR1 goes down to almost 30 although then it drops death. And the R1 have not done the test but bass is very very very deep.... And controlled as well. Quite something

Also to call these speakers colored, has me wondering what have you listened to. You may like or not the sound, presentation etc, but it is a fact these sepakers (the 3 of them) are not colored at all. Most neutral and accurate in tone I have heard ( again the 3 of them each in its range).

Your comments about deep bass and color, plus quality of materials/components, where per instnace, the concentric mid/tweeter Be drive both reference share, may be one of the most cost expensive out there really has me very surprised and wondering...
Manual, looking at your posts, are you a magico dealer, associate or similar, or have any financial interest on it? You only seem to post on magico threads or magico related, and in common always all magico are great and all the rest is bad....¿?
I heard both the TAD CR1 and R1 at Rocky Mountain in 2010 with the Walker turntable and Technical Brain electronics. Outstanding. Actually, I think the CR1 sounded better because of the room sizes. I own the Magico Mini 2 and though the bass does not go as deep, it is different because of the sealed design. The Magico is also less expensive, but if I could afford the TAD, it would be on my short list for sure. They are great looking also, IMO.

Manual's opinion of the TAD speakers is clearly in the minority.