speakers prior to owning Harbeth 7es 3's

I'm curious as to what speakers present owners of Harbeth 7es 3's had before they purchased them. I'm considering selling my Spendor S8e's for the Harbeths and continuing to use my RELs as subs with them...don't want to be spinning wheels and going nowhere as my fellow audiophiles and I have done more than once....
I use a REL B3 with my 7ES3's. Adjust the sub(s) so that you are not aware of their presence, until you shut them off, and you sense the foundation has disappeared.
Just curious ,why would you sell one set of speakers to get another that has the same sound?I suggest broading your horizons and listening to different presentations,ya may like what ya hear......
Side ways move and another wheel spinning exercise. Move out of your comfort zone as suggested. (Dynaudio, Zu, Volent, Martin Logan)