speakers prior to owning Harbeth 7es 3's

I'm curious as to what speakers present owners of Harbeth 7es 3's had before they purchased them. I'm considering selling my Spendor S8e's for the Harbeths and continuing to use my RELs as subs with them...don't want to be spinning wheels and going nowhere as my fellow audiophiles and I have done more than once....
Dynaudio Confidence C1, Volent VL-2. Check out the reviews and forum threads pertaining to each. For a floorstander I would look into the Aerial Acoustics 7T or the Sonus Faber Liuto.
IMO, I would agree with Tom on the C1s(used).I have the X03SE and ran Rel subs w/Dynaudio in a room approx the same as yours.Sounded great IMO.Having said that I would strongly suugest you listen to them as they are completely different..Speed/better definition/lack of coloration ie Harbeth.Its really what floats your boat
Not too sure what you dislike about the Spendor S8e but I've responded to a thread about a year ago when an owner found them to be lacking in sparkle and excitement, sounding a bit bland.

A Spendor S8e review-
Usually mediocre gear tend to receive 5 stars on Whathifi(less than stellar equipment getting good reviews), and apparently the notorious chaps of Whathifi don't quite like the S8e.

If you do not have a definitive criteria on what you want to achieve in your system, particularly the sound you are looking for in your speakers, you would probably be on the merry-go-round swapping speakers in every year.