Good Budget CD and integrated????

Hi Everyone. I have recetly saved a friend from buying a bose stereo and he is now looking for a budget integrated amp and a cd player. He will be using them to power Paradigm studio bookshelves. A Small active sub will also be added to round out the bottom end. Mostly classical music.
Any good ideas?
Budget is around $1000-1500us and new or used does not matter. Due to his price range, I would like to get used gear for the best "bag for his buck".

I think, for new stuff, we will start looking at cambridge audio....I am not really sure, and hence I put the Question to you.
Hi All
We went out looking and heard a few different pieces. At first, my buddy was reluctant to buy anything used. That lasted until he heard a Roksan Caspian MKII that should be out of the budget, but used would be do-able. We have been able to hear the Cambridge audio line up and they are nice, but lack a bit of the warmth, detail and weight of the roksan. We are still looking around to hear second hand gear at this point. Hopefully we can find some decent stuff to listen to.
We also had a chance to hear the NAD 320bee and the 352. They were both unimpressive, but I think that is due to the speakers we heard them on. Sonus Faber tiny bookshelves...can't remember which ones, in a loud room.....not exactly the ideal listening test! I think we will try them again in better circumstances if possible.
My vote is for the NAD/Music Hall, I have both along with a set of Paradigm Studio 20v3s.. Great setup!! I would also recommend Signal Analog2s interconnects for the Music Hall to NAD 352, made a big difference in imaging and detail.. You can get a used Music Hall 25 w/mods for around $450 here leaving you $550 for the integrated amp and cables (NAD C352 goes for around $500 new and cables $49... sounds like it hits your budget and is a great setup.. Good luck
Hey everyone.
In classic fashion, in a play we all have lived out and thus know the ending to, after some consideration, my friend has decided to increase his budget.....!
We now have about 2000$ us to work with. I think hearing the better gear made him rethink the longer term ownership and upgradeability. I would like to ask now, in terms of what cd player and Integrated would be a good choice, not just now with his paradigm bookshelf's but also in the future when he wants to get some really good speakers. I think the emphasis should be on the integrated. Something that can drive some bigger speakers possibly down he road. He likes the ROKSAN gear so far and I think that would be a good integrated to start with, but I want to try more things out. t is very difficlt to hear these peices side by side so recommends weigh highly.
Any more ideas?
I have read some great things about the oft suggested music hall 25. Is thisa re badged shanlig player? Can anyone tell me if there is a differanc, and also what shanling is the equivalent? Here in Hong Kong I have not seen a music hall, but shanlings are everywhere.