How do reference speakers rank to today's standard

I think that most of us at this forum had an experience like I am having now: to choose between a once reference speaker and a recent midrange speaker.
For 8 years I have been the owner of Audio Physic Spark III's and I love the sound of the AP's so I want to cling on to this brand. But what to do.
I can choose between two offers, both in the same price range. One is the Audio Physic Avanti II (the year 2K version, the Century), 11 years old and once a reference speaker.
The other one is a 2 1/2 year old Audio Physic Tempo VI.
I know that speakers do age and that 11 years old speakers won't sound as they did 11 years ago.
Also, in the 8 1/2 years that seperate these AP's there has obviously been some development in speaker design.
But do you think that the Tempo's sound better than the Avanti's ?
And what about the (remaining) lifespan of both of them. For the record, I am not able to listen to them at home. Any advice is highly appreciated. regards, Ton
Most conventional dynamic speakers do not wear out. Some might have components, such as the rubber surround, that will age (primarily from exposure to pollutants in the air, such as ozone), but not all do.

Eleven years old would make MOST speakers pretty young, in terms of such aging or any sort of wear. Abuse, is a different matter.

I recently bought a compression driver that is more than 70 years old. I would put this up against ANY other midrange driver. If it has lost anything with age, it must have been unbelievably good at the time it was made.
I agree w Larryi. Most speaker updates are evolutionary. But I cannot offer anything about the specific speakers you are considering.
Ok, so Larryi, you're saying that 11 years is not a big problem when quality speakers are used ? But what about the 8 1/2 year of "evolution" between the Tempo's and the Avanti's. Could that make the Tempo's a better speaker even if it ranks lower in AP's list ?
If the drivers have a foam surround they (the foam) would most likely have to be replaced. I have a pair of 20+ yr old speakers with a rubber surround and they still sound great. I don't use them too often in the last 3 years since I've upgraded to speakers that 10X as much.

That being said I would be very concerned if they may have been abused (overdriven or driven to the max).
Thanks all, and I agree, abuse is more concering than the 11 years. The drivers and the filtercomponents in the Avanti are all of high quality and will still be Ok. I also assume that the audio enthusiast that buys an Avanti will automatically take good care of his speakers.
But are there any Audio Physic owners who could say anything about the two types ? Will the Avanti still overpower the Tempo's in all aspects ?