Can Anyone Recommend a Good Speaker ?

I'm looking for a speaker that has tight punchy bass ( rather than something that's going to shake the walls ) that can also reveal detail in a recording without being overly bright in the $1,000 - $2,500 range ..monitor or floor stander .
Any suggestions
The latest Merlin TSM's you can afford. They're detailed and refined with tight, punchy bass. They also get tone and timber right, which to me are the most important factors in musical speakers.
Look for a used pair of Eggleston Works Fontaines - they deliver tight, punchy bass. I've had mine several years now and nothing has been able to unseat them. The original ones require a sub, but not as necessary for the model IIs, depending on your listening habits and room. The secret to their wonderful sound: no crossovers on the dual mid drivers; extremely inert cabinets; and the most musically satisfying (IMO) tweeter. I believe the Dynaudio Esotar tweeter is the key to acheiving non-irritating/fatiguing HFs.
There is still not enough info to narrow down your choices. What size room? How many watts? What kind of music do you like? WAF?

I will play along anyway.

Philharmonic 2
