best "bookshelf" speakers for nearfield listening

I know this has been asked before, but am looking for another "high end" bookshelf speaker for nearfield listening. nearfield is 6 to 8 feet, volumes are modest, jazz and contemporary/classic rock. Have used totem mani 2 sigs and liked them, but am wondering about joseph, reference 3a, harbeth, coincident, silverline, devore amongst others. (none of which i have heard and with no dealers close by...) macintosh solid state, 200w/channel. thanks a lot. mike
I understand that the Lipinski 707 was designed for console top (nearfield) use. I thought that they sounded very good when I heard them set up in that fashion.
I recommend saving some money and hassle by purchasing a set of audioengine passives, the P4. For $325 shipped, they offer a beautiful solid bamboo cabinet, quality drivers (no bright-sounding metal dome), superb assembly quality, and a quality set of single-wire binding posts--no hassles with getting good bi-wire cable or with finding quality jumpers. These speakers are the best I have had in my system--period. The midrange and treble are astoundingly natural and realistic, and if you are okay with 58Hz at the bottom end, then these little gems are for you. I have been listening nearfield for more than a decade, and these mini-monitors are my favorites. My Cambridge S30s are also very nice (and even less expensive), but the P4s are just more vivid and convincing...though the S30 has a tad more extension in the bass.
I listen to Volent VL-2s in my 10x12 office, sitting 5 feet away, and they sound like a huge, full range planar speaker in there. Transparency, bass power and soundstaging that must be heard to believe. I run them with a Magnum Dynalab receiver. Best I've ever heard in my office, by a mile.
The VL-2s are very good in a larger room as well, but for some reason they light up my small office to an amazing degree.
I'm using Shelby + Kroll Nano Monitors. They are designed to be used as sound board monitors and sound awesome in the nearfield. If you do a search and go to the web site scroll down the home page and use the menu at the bottom. I bought these to replace a Lowther Medallion horn system. The imaging and sound stage is that good!