what is the best sounding speakers for under 5000.

looking to replace psb stratus golds. which floor standing speakers would you recommend that would be an impovement for a listener of classic rock. using vincent 236 integrated with jolida 100 cd player. best for under 5000.
Rose75,you may want to glance at my impressions of the Breeze,if you have not already. I gave a pretty detailed account of the sound coming from my Breeze.
I have no problem recommending the Breeze as a best sounding speaker under 5,000 category. IMHO
Here is the kicker Rose. You may want to run a $30,000 amp with the Evolutions as Evolution Acoustics has done in the past. I am running my Breeze with a $300 Onkyo 9555a and getting FANTASTIC sound!!
Toddnkaya, a true test for sure would be the MMMone on your system compared to the Breeze. More realistic. I have been waiting to see more people respond to the Evolution speaker but I haven't seen much.
I also don't know that the Breeze could hang with the Cirrus based off what I have read comparing the two side by side in the same listening room. Nobody has ever said the Breeze was better in a direct comparison. Only people at AK Fest mentioned they thought the Breeze room was better than the Cirrus room. Put them in the same room and you will more than likely will have a different oppinion of the Cirrus. I think the Cirrus would need a good sized room to really open up. Too bad people can't get them in a timely manner though. It is a hit and miss with delivery.
MMMone is a good choice. The DeVores are in this price range. But, really, spend 2k more and buy the Pulsars. No doubt about it. I have owned and listened to them all in this price range: these are the very best.