Synergy Between Magicos5 With Pass Labs X350.5

Hello Dear Experts
Has Any of You Experianced Or Heard The Magico S5 Driven With Pass Labs X350.5 Is This Amp Is Powerfull Enough to PUSH the Magico ?
How Was The Sound
I have owned several Pass Labs x 350.5 over the years and I have never ran out of power. The x600.5 mono blocks did sound better the X350.5 should run the Magico speakers just fine.
Try the 350.8 along with the 350.5. The .8 is not that much more than the .5. Around $2k.
thanks a lot but just fine is simply not enough for these prices/Don't you agree?
HI There
I think for me to try the 8 is too late I own already the pass x350.5
just want to change speakers.
That is why asking all these questions.
Some one told me that the pass is not enough powerfull to produce the magico's bass
becaus it's a seald box it would be more difficult.
what do you think?
thanks ruti