Harbeth SHL5 for Shindo Montille?

How do you think? What kind of match would that be from technical or musical point of view? Worth to try?
Dave_b - I believe I understand your comment better now WRT what for you would be a realistic music level. And I agree, a Shostakovich symphony and comparable large scale classical and other works are better heard at higher SPLs generated by full-range systems. However, I still believe that low powered amps, when partnered with appropriate speakers, can do a superb job of rendering highly musical presentations of other musical genres, e.g., solo vocals, some solo instrumental works, and many small ensemble works. I guess this is one of the reasons I have chosen to have multiple systems. When I want to hear large scale music, I listen on a system that includes Verity Fidelio Encores, a REL B-2, and a 225 wpc SS amp. When I want to listen to solo instrumentals, solo vocals, and small ensemble works, I listen to my Solovoxes powered by Wavelength Cardinal X2 300B monoblocks. In each case, I find the music to be just the way you described.

Happy Listening!
dave_b also was highly touting Maggies awhile back. which are notoriously known for not being dynamic on symphonic pieces. caveat emptor
I augmented the Maggies with 2 subs and found them to be more than capable with symphonic music. Dynamics at lower levels were not as good as with dynamic speakers. The main reason I changed speakers though was do to a repurposing of my den, so I moved to a smallish sitting room. It's all good at this level...sorry for the negativity. I just like to play loud sometimes and I find complex music needs lot's of power IMHO:O)
I actually had the opportunity to A/B the Harbeth Super HL5 with the Leben CS300XS and a Shindo Vosnee Romanee and Montille pre/amp combo. No question, the Leben was the superior amplifier. The dealer thought so as well. There is a certain synergy between Leben and Harbeth that makes music. The Shindo sounded anemic and lifeless in comparison to the Leben. Definitely didn't sound like it had enough power...which is funny because the Leben is rated the same wpc. We listened to Eric Clapton's unplugged album and Norah Jones come away with me. Both sounded better to me with the Leben. To be fair, I didn't have much time to A/B, and the Shindo combo was only warmed up for 30-45 minutes before being connected to the Harbeth. But I left that audition a firm believer in the Harbeth/Leben synergy. Just goes to show that spending more money doesn't necessarily get you better results.