April 19th

I just got the word that my new Maggie 20.7 speakers are coming on April 19th.
In addition I'm also getting an attractive new Salamander stand to hold all the electronics.

This is heaven.

So I'm getting the new speakers, I've purchased the Sanders pre-amp and two Sanders Mono-block amps.
Two rel sub-woofers.

I've repainted the room.
I have new carpeting for the room.
A new sofa.
A new chair.
New artwork.
A new coffee table.

If I can get the speakers broken in quickly enough I'm going to throw a party towards the end of the month.

Classical and flamenco guitar music, classical music, jazz, country and cheap wine.
I envy you, but hope you really enjoy them as much as iwwould if i was getting them.
Which means you will love them.
I like my 3.6s.. but maybe 20.7s are in my future too..
Congrats! Cheap wine can fool snobs, put in fancy bottle and watch them rave!