Zu - An act of generosity I'd like to share.

I recently traded my Presence loudspeakers (end of January) for a pair of Definition MKIII’S and was lucky to have them delivered and set up by Sean and Christian(Zu Audio) during their recent cross country tour. Unfortunately the cabinets were accidentally damaged. Sean told me they would replace them but not exactly sure when, the 3’s being an upgraded speaker. A few weeks later I received an email from Sean asking if I would be available March 16th that they would be coming back east and could deliver another set of speakers. Not expecting this to happen that quickly, my response was absolutely I’d be available. Two weeks later I received another email from Sean stating your new Def 4’s are scheduled to go into production what finish would you like? Taken back by that statement I immediately got on the phone and called Sean. A new pair of Def 4’s ???

First let me briefly explain we have a medical fragile special needs 13 year old daughter who requires continuous care from either my wife, myself or a nurse, which renders our social life non-existent.

Sean's response was I saw the happy life you and your wife provide for your daughter, I’d like to do something nice for you guys, when you sit down at the end of the day to listen to some music your going to enjoy it a lot more with a new pair of Def 4’s and not to worry financially I am donating them to you.
A very kind gesture in these hard economic times. Again a story I wanted to share.

I have been blessed with kindness of friends made here in the past and glad to see others enjoying good hearted audiophiles like I have. ENJOY!
yeah, I have to side with all other members & also state that this was a magnificient gesture on Zu Audio's part. I've seen them at the RMAF & also heard their speaker at the live concert in the atrium but never thought too much about their product thus far. Someday I'll take more time to listen to them but in the meantime the folks @ Zu have shown us a magnanimous gesture that seems to have come from their heart. well done, Zu Audio!
As current owners of Zu Def2s soon to upgrade to 4s myself, and my positive experience of the company, both in the quality of their product, and prompt friendly response to emails esp. with Sean, this story really backs up my view that they are an A-1 company to spend one's hard earned cash with.