Esoteric UX-1: How "noisy"?

To all of those who have an Esoteric UX-1 or X-1: can you hear the disc spinning from, say, 10 feet away? I realize that Esoteric has built a massive assembly but on quiet passages I can distinctly hear the "whirring" of the platter. It's distracting, to say the least. Any thoughts will be greatly appreciated.
Glad your problem was solved--didn't sound like it was a general Esoteric problem based on my experience, and I have both an X-01 and DV-50. But I'm puzzled by Jfz's comments--live concerts must be hell for you. I'll take an incidental living-place noise which can't be heard over soft passages over bronchial honks, creaking seats, and rude talkers any day, and I've learned to tune most of those out. Granted, the idiot above me, who has never heard of rugs or non-stiletto heels, does push it a bit....
Mgottlieb, have you upgraded your X-01 to Limited yet, or are you planning to?
Mgottlieb - I'm puzzled by your puzzlement. I simply prefer quiet over noisy. Doesn't assume anything's hell for me.
Guido, yes, if the Esoteric distributor in the Northeast ever gets its act together to set up the upgrade process, which at present rate doesn't look like it will happen before the next upgrade.
OK, M - By the way, just wanted to say I meant to say "doesn't MEAN anything's hell for me". I certainly wasn't saying trying to say "don't assume...", i.e. assume whatever you want, of course.