New Denon 5910 for $1799?

I have found an authorized denon dealer who has 4 new unopened Denon 5910 in black where they had them marked $1999. This caught my eye since I have seen them advertised new on EBay for around $2900. Upon closer inspection of the sale tag it appeared as though they had actually been priced at $1799 where the 7 had been changed to a 9. I inquired and was told the accountant made them mark them up. However, if I were interested they could do $1799. Question? Should I buy up all 4 of these and sell 3? I am not out to make a killing. Rather I see this as a possible way to end up with a 5910 for the cost of a 2910/3910 if I were to sell the 3 for around $2300 each.

What is the selling price for new 5910 here on Agon. $2300-$2500?

I also have read there was a new model "ci" which has 1080P. If these are original 5910 can they be easily updated to 5910ci at no charge?
This dealer is in Southeastern Wisconsin.
They had a "warehouse sale" last Saturday (June 10, 2006) and the selling price at that sale was at the start of the day $1,500. for new in box DVD5910's they had FOUR at that price.
By the end of the day the price was $1,200. with TWO left at that price.
Naturally I ran back to the retail store and got my 30 day price guaranty money back since I had purchased one only a few weeks before.(My salesman was PISSED!!!! but I am a good customer and he will get over it)
Anyway, if any still are for sale, they will certainly be back up to $1,500 at least... and i really doubt the price will drop below that again.
all in all, I got a GREAT deal on a new in box DVD-5910 for $1,200.
A Demo Denon 4806 receiver for $1,500 and a set of Canton speakers: Pair of 300's (retail $2,000.) for $700. and three center channel 360's (retail $800. each) for $200 each. and a small pair of C50's for the rear of 7.1 for another $100. each.
You missed out on this sale......
(or did you?)
Elizabeth, you're killing me. Who is the dealer? I live in that neck of the woods. My Denon 2600 just fried (hated the chroma bug anyway). I would love to pick up a 5910 at that price. I also sent you an email, in case you don't want to publish the name on Audiogon. Thanks.
I checked back. All gone. I even stopped by on Monday morning and they were cleared out.
Yeah, they are sold out.
I bet the employees bought the last two Saturday at close.
I was there ten minutes before sale close and they were there...
They have two 3910 for $999. in the garage room at Flanners.
One silver in a box, the other black.
I bet they could be had for less.... but they are not 5910's