My system's high frequencies hurt my ears

Well, to be perfectly clear it doesn't always hurt my ears but I've been getting a little fatigued at times and I'm trying to diagnose the problem. A few nights ago I was listening to a new 24/96 The Doors first album release and had to stop playback. I switched over to The Eagles Greatest Hits, 16/44, and found some happiness there but I wasn't completely satisfied. Perhaps some of this is psychological, maybe I was feeling a little extra sensitive, but I'm sure I've had some issues with high frequencies in the past.

Here's my setup:

Serving all music, ripped to WAV by Exact Audio Copy or downloaded via high rez sites, via Windows 7 computer running J River set to WASAPI output. Sending signal via USB to Audiophilleo USB/SPDIF converter to PS Audio Digital Link III DAC. From DAC using Nordost Baldur unbalanced RCA interconnects to PS Audio C-100 Control Amp. Speaker wires are Nordost Blue Heaven. Power cables are PS Audio Lab Cable from wall to PS Audio Duet Power Conditioner. From there I use another Lab Cable for the amp and a PS Jewel cable for the DAC. The wall plug is on its own circuit with nothing else connected. Speakers are my old but good Mirage 1090i's.

Aside from perhaps the age of the speakers do you guys see anything that stands out? I spoke to a technician from Mirage and he suggested I'm doing too much signal processing which could be a cause of uncomfortable high frequencies.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.
I don't buy the all digital front end argument. I've heard several non fatiguing all digital, computer-audio-based front ends, including my own that sound fantastic. The highs in my system I would describe as crystalline, extended, natural, sweet. Far from forward, harsh, edgy or fatiguing.

The suggestions about speaker and cable synergies and room treatment strike me as the most informed guesses.
Robpriore, I think you have a simple problem which is caused by the Nordost Blue Heaven and a hard dome speaker. At the best of times, whenever I have heard Blue Heaven it has a bright coloration that is very obvious when you listen to some of the better Nordost cables up the line. Add this propensity for brightness to a hard metallic dome based speaker and you have a recipe for what you are describing, IMHO.
Some feel Nordost speaker cables have a tipped-up frequency balance so you might want to try other cables. Acoustic Zen cables are one brand I have had good luck with but there are others with a less tipped-up high frequency balance.
Is this a fairly straightforward speaker issue?

To repeat myself, yes, IMHO.

That said, Map and Newbee are wise to suggest some placement tinkering, which can have impact more dramatic than big investments in gear. It doesn't cost much to spend a couple of sessions messing around (perhaps with the aid of Smith's Get Better Sound).

If this fails (as I predict it will), I'd then look to change speakers. Of the speakers I commend above, both the Fritz Carbon 7 and the Selah Veritas hit your pricepoint. Both Fritz and Rick Craig are helpful guys to talk to. Hitting a show like RMAF would also be an excellent idea.

So I toed in the speakers a few degrees and now have the tweeters crossing about two feet in front of my nose. I played the same tracks and sure enough the difference is substantial. I have better bass response, the soundstage and imaging are intact, and the highs are far more comfortable. For the final test I served up Dire Straights Money For Nothing in 24/192 and took the volume way up so i could feel the drums in the beginning sequence. When Mark Knopfler rips into his guitar it's just as I wanted to hear it.

Does it make sense for me to increase the toe in angle any more? At some point the soundstage will collapse, at least that's my understanding. I think it's prudent for me to demo different speakers to compare. I have to say though that were it not for forum members I would have dropped a few thousand without a real sense of what was wrong with my setup. Thank you for that.