mephisto IIX or ayre cx7-e

Being about $1000 more, I am tempted to go with the mephisto cuz it looks nice. Anyone with experience to dissuade in terms of sound quality. The ayre cx7-e did seem to win all of the 2003 awards.
I've Audiomeca MephistoII is gorgeous looking and playing, had no problem ever. Dynamic vinyl sound.I'm in Europe and there is no service problem, as far as I know Audiomeca is operating and preparing something new in analog.
Don't know about U.S. distribution or anything related.

p.s. I'm thinking of upgrading to Esoteric X01 and my wife is "mad" about leting MephistoII go...
Kops. I'd like to have one for my coffee table as a conversation piece :-). My wife actually did complain when I sold mine.
I have actually heard the AMM. and wow! Very nice. I have not heard the Ayre. It seems that the finish on the Ayre is more durable when it comes to scratches. It seems the Ayre is a more sensible buy, but the AMM, hmmm.